Investigating Customer Trust and Positivity of Perceived Customer Service Skill on the Confidence of Online Shopping
Customer Trust, Customer Positivity, Customer Service Skill, telepresence, Telepresence, Social Presence, Online ShoppingAbstract
With the economy's continuous development, consumers become more mature and rational, so many keen enterprises gradually shifted their focus from the initial product development to "customer service skill" and thus obtained a good market return. Especially for the online shopping activities carried out in the virtual (digital) way, due to the particularity of its channel, it is more important to study the experience of its customers in online consumption. In addition, shopping websites and businesses selling goods through the internet should try their best to use words, pictures, video, and other media, as well as setting up more friendly interfaces. This paper takes the telepresence, pleasure, social presence, and trust in the process of online shopping as the research variables. Through the stepwise regression analysis method, it is found that telepresence can well predict the pleasure of customers in the process of online shopping. However, as the research on customer trust and positivity of perceived customer service skills is scarce, this paper can help to understand the impact of customer satisfaction on services' behavior intention, such as trying to increase the opportunities for communication with consumers and help them during the shopping process, so as to effectively increase consumers' trust in websites and businesses.
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