Social Media Marketing and Consumer Purchase Intention - Phenomenological Study on Women Fashion Apparel in Karachi
Social Media Marketing, Perceived Risk, Consumer Purchase Intention, Phenomenology, Apparel IndustryAbstract
This study aims to add to the existing knowledge of the key components of social media marketing and their influence on client buying intent. Following a detailed examination of the relevant literature, six primary criteria (Social influence, Informativeness, Perceived risk, Product Evaluation, Informativeness, and Behavioral Responses) emerged as major predictors of purchase intention. The procedure for the research was inductive, as it required interviewing and observing. This study is exploratory qualitative research based on a phenomenology study. Through in-depth semi-structured interviews, the individual experiences were evaluated to understand how social media marketing affected their purchase intent, leading to a purchase decision. With the participation of interview subjects, novel themes, and connections were built and validated in qualitative research. The target population for this research was females from all walks of life who use social media and indulge in purchasing fashion apparel while following the fashion trends on social networking websites. According to the qualitative-focused interviews, Social Influence, Informativeness, Perceived Risk, Product Evaluation, Informativeness, and Behavioral Responses affected women's fashion apparel purchasing intentions. In conclusion, there is a considerable link between social media advertising and customer purchase intent. The generalizability of the research findings is constrained since this article is qualitative. Furthermore, the social media advertisement's impact on consumer purchase intention only looked at women's fashion apparel in Karachi. This field can be further explored by examining the concept in various cities. This paper presented many aspects that can be verified using a quantitative method. As a result, this study adds to the body of information on factors influencing purchasing intent, which leads to actual purchase decisions.
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