Promoting Corporate Culture: Exploring Managerial Trust and Employee Deviance Behavior in Commercial Banks in Pakistan
Employee Trust, Manager-Employee Relationship, Job Satisfaction, Employee Deviance, Organizational Deviance, Interpersonal Deviance, Frontline DevianceAbstract
Employee deviance is an important issue to be focused on in an organization. Most of the time, positive work behaviors are discussed in the studies but negative behaviors do not get much attention. This research is based on understanding how the negative and deviant behavior of the employees can get affected. This research is based on examining the effect of trust in the manager-employee relationship on employees’ deviance and what would be the impact of job satisfaction by keeping it as the mediator among these variables. This study explored how trust in manager-employee relationships might help the organizations to reduce the employees’ deviance toward their organization, toward their colleagues, and toward their customers, known as organizational deviance, interpersonal deviance, and frontline deviance respectively. To investigate the phenomenon, the employees of private sector banks were taken as a sample for this study. Data was collected through online questionnaires. The results of this study validate that there is a negative impact of trust in the manager-employee relationship on employees’ deviance in the presence of job satisfaction as a mediator. If the employees are satisfied with their jobs and they have trust in their manager, they tend to show less deviant behavior toward the organization, their colleagues, and the customers.
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