Online Shopping, Online Purchase Intention, Perceived Risk, E-Commerce, Online Consumer BehaviourAbstract
The purpose of the current research is to assess the influence of perceived risk on the online purchase intention of customers towards branded apparels. To discuss perceived risk, the use of five different factors was made which are product risk, time risk, social risk, security risk, and financial risk. It has evaluated the impact of these risks on online purchase intention. To collect data, a survey has been used as a method and quantitative analysis used for testing the hypothesis established. Data were collected from 20 respondents who participated in the survey online and the collected data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The findings suggest that there is an influence of perceived risk on consumers when they are purchasing branded apparel online. Two factors product and financial risk have a significant and negative influence on customers online purchase intention. However, other factors which are security, social, and time risk are insignificant. In the context of practical implications, this study would be helpful for online retailers and would provide them with an overview of the customer’s perspective regarding the risks that restrict them from purchasing branded apparel online.
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