Impact of Ignorance of Customer Queries by Retailer Sales Staff on Customer Purchase Decision
Customer Queries, Purchase Intention, Retailers, Salesperson’s Engagement, Purchase Decision, Customer SatisfactionAbstract
This research is based on a description of the impact of ignorance of customer queries by retail sales staff on customer purchase decisions. This study is a questionnaire-based survey, and the analysis of the questionnaire and literature review is used to derive the conclusions. The outcomes of this research have revealed that the impact of ignorance of customer queries by retail sales staff has a positive correlation with the customer purchase decision. This research has described the impact of ignorance of customer queries by retailer sales staff through four constructs including customer satisfaction, customer trust, salesperson personality and purchase intention. The fact is when we define something as being important, we do everything possible to achieve it, and this is often related to the acquisition of some good. Even if your niche does not directly involve some personal purpose of your persona, it can do so in an indirect way, and if well explored, this concept can be very lucrative. Daily decisions are made on a day-to-day basis, although this decision-making process is hardly thought of. For marketing, this process, through the understanding of the customer buying decision process, is fundamental, since it allows the planning of better marketing strategies, contributing to a greater success of the brands. The concluding remarks of this research can be used as an information reference for the marketing managers, industrialists, and business-oriented people.
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