A Theoretical Brand Equity Model for Marketing In Presence of Environmental Turbulence
Brand Equity, Customer Perception, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Environmental TurbulenceAbstract
This research finds the impact of Customer Perception, Satisfaction, and Loyalty on Brand Equity with Environmental Turbulence as a moderator. The questionnaire was completed by a total of 253 continental restaurant customers. Data were gathered from continental restaurant consumers related to Karachi, Pakistan and examined through statistical methods (SPSS and Partial Least Square). Results reveal a significant positive relationship between customer loyalty and brand equity. There is no significant positive relationship between customer perception, customer satisfaction, and brand equity. Also, environmental turbulence has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between customer perception and brand equity; and customer loyalty and brand equity. There was no significant moderating effect of environmental turbulence on the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand equity. This research would be helpful for managers, marketers, students, and teachers in understanding the brand equity being impacted by various factors in the environment of Pakistan. This research can be generalized to Asian countries to further elaborate on the impact. These outcomes are helpful to organizations and companies for emphasizing every element of brand enactment and, specifically, the three (customer perception, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction) to get the best out of it.
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