Investigating the Contributors to Brand Loyalty with a Mediating Role of Satisfaction: Evidence from Pakistan
Brand Image, Brand Trust, Service Quality, Brand Loyalty, Customer SatisfactionAbstract
This study aims to test the empirical impact of the image of the brand, customer satisfaction and product & service quality on brand loyalty in territories of Pakistan. This study is applied research-based however there are many previous research studies related to the topic, but this research is different and unique as the data in this research is taken from the developing economy of Pakistan where there is a sharp dearth of these types of research investigations. The data was collected through secondary authentic sources. Moreover, the sample size of the study is 300. The data was analyzed through statistical softwares such as SPSS, AMOS and SMART PLS. The results indicate that there is a relationship linking brand awareness and brand loyalty with buying behaviour of the customer along with the mediation effect of sales promotion. The research is supported by descriptive analysis. This study is pervasive in nature as it enhances knowledge on the subject to help organizations, brand management and other related institutions.
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