Impact of Destination Attractiveness on Tourists’ Attachment with Mediating Role of Destination Image


  • Madiha Ali COMSATS, Vehari, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Sajjad COMSATS, Vehari, Pakistan Author
  • Orangzab . COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Bilal Tariq COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Pakistan Author



Destination Attractiveness, Destination Image, Destination Attachment, Destination Competitiveness, Tourism


The dynamic role of the tourism industry is observed as a catalyst to augment the economic development of worldwide economies. Due to its crucial role in economic growth, world economies have rapidly considered tourism as an important revenue generation industry. In this regard, to enrich tourism, destination image and its competitiveness play a crucial part. The main purpose of this study is to find the mediating role of destination image between the destination attractiveness and tourism attachment relationship. This study also intends to investigate the significance of various determinants of destination attractiveness within that relationship by the collection of firsthand data from tourists who belong to diverse demographic backgrounds. Study data is collected through a questionnaire from 300 conveniently sampled respondents who had visited Dubai, UAE as tourists. Statistical analyses were conducted to deduce the results by employing PLS-SEM. The results suggested that destination attractiveness has a significant positive relationship with destination image, similarly, destination image has a significant relationship with destination attachment. Therefore, the data analysis suggests that destination image partially mediates the relationship between destination attractiveness and destination image. This study will provide unique findings to tourism practitioners and organizations to formulate tourism marketing strategies on pragmatic grounds. In conclusion, the study provides suggestions and future research recommendations.

Author Biographies

  • Madiha Ali, COMSATS, Vehari, Pakistan

    M.Phil. Candidate, COMSATS, Vehari, Pakistan

  • Muhammad Sajjad, COMSATS, Vehari, Pakistan

    Assistant Professor, M.Phil. Candidate, COMSATS, Vehari, Pakistan

  • Orangzab ., COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan

    Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Pakistan

  • Bilal Tariq, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Pakistan

    Assistant Professor, PhD. Candidate, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Impact of Destination Attractiveness on Tourists’ Attachment with Mediating Role of Destination Image. (2021). Journal of Marketing Strategies, 3(3), 171-193.

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