Impact of WOM, Advertising Effectiveness, and Brand Image on Brand Trust: Evidence from Telecommunication Sector in Pakistan


  • Muhammad Hassan MBA Student, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Saqib Zahid MBA Student, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Ali Raza Nemati Riphah University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Cai Yongfeng Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Wasmiya Javed Riphah University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author



Advertising Effectiveness, Word of Mouth, Brand Image, Brand Trust, Telecommunication Industry


Due to the rapid advancements in digital innovations and technological evolution, the world today has witnessed a drastic upsurge in digital espousal by the masses and tech geeks alike. Advertising agencies and brand managers across the globe have been frantically finding ways to explore prospective markets and retain existing customers. Studies on brand management show that the image and trust of a brand are manifested through various deterministic variables which vary and change over time. This research thus focuses on the investigation of the effect of such pervasive determinants including Advertising Effectiveness, WOM and Brand Image on Brand Trust. The study concentrates its enquiry on brand trust elements related to organizations providing services in the telecommunications sector of Pakistan. For this purpose, data in the form of survey responses were collected through questionnaires with the help of convenient sampling. The respondents were customers using different telecommunications networks in Pakistan. From the results, it has been observed that Advertising Effectiveness, WOM and Brand Image have a strong impact on developing and maintaining Brand Trust. The research validates the impact of study variables in developing trust in a brand. Moreover, managerial implications and directions for future research have been proposed at the end of the study.

Author Biography

  • Ali Raza Nemati, Riphah University, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Assistant Director, Human Development Services, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Impact of WOM, Advertising Effectiveness, and Brand Image on Brand Trust: Evidence from Telecommunication Sector in Pakistan. (2021). Journal of Marketing Strategies, 3(3), 111-131.

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