SMS Advertising & its Impact on Consumer Purchase Intention: A Comparative Study of Adults and Young Consumers in Pakistan
Marketing Strategies, SMS Marketing, Customer Loyalty, SMS Advertising, Consumer Purchase IntentionAbstract
The growing technological advancement and marketing strategies are creating great competition between companies. Marketers constantly focus on developing attractive marketing strategies to promote their products and services to increase their customer base. SMS marketing lies in one of these strategies of marketers to reach each individual in order to make them their loyal consumers by offering their required products or services. As there are different kinds of consumers with different needs, consumption styles and preferences. And every country has its own culture, lifestyle, and consumer perceptions. This study covers the importance of SMS advertising and to know the responses of Pakistani youth and adults towards SMS advertising. Messages sent by advertisers to inform about their product, new innovation or launch are not accepted everywhere by some people. The aim of this study is to determine the acceptance and rejection attitudes of youth and adults towards SMS advertising and how SMS advertising influences consumers to purchase the product.
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