Halal Product Management: Factors Shaping Consumer Perception of Halal Chocolates in Karachi
Consumer Perception, Religious Knowledge, Islamic Dietary Laws, Halal ConsumptionAbstract
This study is conducted to find the important aspects that are affecting the determinants of consumer perception toward halal chocolate purchasing in Karachi. This study focuses on the diverse roles of religious knowledge and Islamic dietary laws that were modeled to impact Consumer perceptions towards halal chocolate ingredients. One of the most common ingredients is lard. Lard is a common substitute for oil used by food manufacturers in chocolates since it is less expensive. Muslims have become more concerned about halal food items and their ingredients, which motivates them to use halal food products. The study was particularly based on Karachi. The research is based on a quantitative approach. The study was conducted among 345 Muslim consumers. The responses of the participants to self-administered questionnaires have been used for gathering the data. Following that, the data were examined using the statistical software SPSS. The results revealed that Religious Knowledge has a significant positive impact on Consumer perceptions of halal chocolate product purchasing. The rest of the factors, namely Islamic Dietary Laws, do not have any significant effect on Consumer Perception towards halal chocolate purchasing, particularly in Karachi. Although Pakistan is a Muslim country, compared to other Muslim states like Malaysia, there is limited knowledge of Halal ingredients in chocolate products. There is no formal Halal certification issuing body in the country that can identify haram adulterants in chocolate products. The results of this study will have a significant impact on Pakistani food producers and marketers who are looking for new ways to enter the halal chocolate market and enter Muslim markets as suppliers of certified halal chocolates.
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