Reflecting Sensory Branding on Consumer Buying Behavior
Sensory Branding, Sensory Marketing, Consumer Attitude, Consumer’s HabitsAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of sensory branding on consumer buying behavior within the context of fast-food franchises in Pakistan. The study seeks to explore how the use of the five senses in marketing can be leveraged to attract consumers to purchase products they may not have originally intended to buy. Previous studies have not specifically examined the relationship between sensory branding and consumer buying behavior, particularly within the fast-food franchise industry in Pakistan. Consequently, this study has been designed to investigate this topic and establish the link between the different factors of sensory branding and consumer behavior. This research is significant for aspiring entrepreneurs and those seeking to enter the emerging market in Pakistan. By employing sensory branding as a tool, businesses can generate a large market audience and establish a strong reputation for their product. The study aims to provide insights and tactics on how this can be achieved. The research will examine the methods employed by emerging fast food franchises in the Karachi region to capture market share and establish their brand identity through sensory branding techniques. The study is based on data gathered from a sample of 120 respondents, using a questionnaire and SPSS software for data analysis. The sample size has been selected to ensure that the findings are statistically significant. The results of the study indicate a significant relationship between the independent variables of sensory branding (sound, sense of smell, visualization, sense of touch, and sense of taste) and the dependent variable of consumer buying behavior. Both descriptive and inferential analyses have been used to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings. The study findings contribute to the understanding of the role of sensory branding in consumer behavior within the fast-food franchise industry in Pakistan. The findings will be of great value to entrepreneurs seeking to establish themselves in this emerging market.
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