Antecedents of Factors Affecting Consumer Brand Engagement in Young Pakistani Adults
Adults Consumer Behavior, Consumer Brand Engagement, Behavioral DimensionsAbstract
This study analyzed consumer brand engagement among young adults in Karachi, focusing on affective, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions. The results showed that affective engagement had a high level of engagement, while cognitive engagement had a low level of engagement, indicating that young adults perceive different brands differently. The consumer's brand engagement is a crucial factor for the long-term profitability and growth of any brand. This quantitative study collected secondary data through a survey method, and the analysis was conducted using SPSS software. The research was carried out in Karachi, which is the most diverse area in Pakistan, and a sample size of 200 respondents was collected. The study found that affective and behavioral components have a significant impact on consumer brand engagement, while cognitive engagement has an insignificant effect. This highlights the importance of creating emotional connections and stimulating consumer behavior when building and promoting a brand. The findings of this study could be valuable for marketers and brand managers in understanding the factors that contribute to consumer brand engagement, allowing them to develop effective brand engagement strategies that resonate with their target audience. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer brand engagement and the need for a holistic approach that considers affective, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions.
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