Nexus between Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership, Green Knowledge Sharing, Green Capacities, Green Service Innovation, and Green Competitive Advantage in the Hospitality Sector of Pakistan: An SDG & ESG Stakeholder Compliance Framework


  • Noor Ahmed Brohi Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women University, Sukkur Author
  • Muhammad Asif Qureshi Bahria University, Karachi Author
  • Danial Hussain Shaikh Iqra University, North Campus, Karachi Author
  • Farhan Mahboob Bahria University, Karachi Author
  • Zareen Asif Institute of Business Management, Karachi Author
  • Aasia Brohi Author



Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership (ESSL), Green Knowledge Sharing, Green Capacities, Green Service Innovation, Green Competitive Advantage, SDGs, Green Practices


This paper proposes a sequential mediation framework to examine the impact of Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership (ESSL) on Green Competitive Advantage (GCA) in Pakistan's hospitality industry, in compliance with Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Proponents have construed that ESSL is theoretically responsible for instigating Green Knowledge Sharing (GKS) and Green Capacities, subsequently influencing Green Service Innovation and ultimately resulting in augmenting Green Competitive Advantage (GCA). This study employs concepts derived from literature on sustainable leadership and knowledge management to formulate theoretical propositions and outline the future research agenda, with in-depth policy recommendations in compliance with EGS and SDGs, formulating the Stakeholder Compliance Framework. This paper aims to provide guidance for future empirical research and offer practical suggestions to enhance sustainability and competitive advantage in the hospitality industry in Pakistan. Exploring the interrelationships among leadership, knowledge sharing, innovation, and competitive edge contributes to the ongoing discourse on organizational sustainability, specifically in compliance with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and SDG 13 (Climate Action) in the Pakistani hospitality context, while exonerating SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions); however, the importance of often neglected SDG 4 (Quality Education) cannot be overemphasized.


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How to Cite

Nexus between Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership, Green Knowledge Sharing, Green Capacities, Green Service Innovation, and Green Competitive Advantage in the Hospitality Sector of Pakistan: An SDG & ESG Stakeholder Compliance Framework. (2024). Journal of Marketing Strategies, 6(3), 411-433.

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