Industrial Innovation on the Green Transformation of Manufacturing Commerce
Technological Innovation, Manufacturing, Green Transformation, Efficiency MeasurementAbstract
The manufacturing industry is the foundation and pillar of the national economy. With the background of China’s economic development entering a new era and fully implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, the manufacturing sector’s level of green transformation has been realized as one of the critical indicators of China’s economic development. Technology innovation-driven green manufacturing industry transformation is a crucial strategy to achieve high-quality economic development and boost global competitiveness in the context of a new round of technological revolution and industrial reform closely entwined with China's economic transformation and development. Based on this, we take the green transformation of China’s manufacturing industry as the theme, focus on industries, regions, and strategic industries, and explore the impact and spatial linkage effect of technological innovation on the green transformation of the manufacturing industry. Based on the research perspective of manufacturing industry development heterogeneity, we construct the slack based measure - Undesirable-Malmquist-Tobit comprehensive evaluation method and put forward the driving role and impact of technological innovation on the green transformation of the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry is categorized into three categories based on the level of pollution, such as clean industry, medium pollution industry and heavy pollution industry. It is found that the green development efficiency of the clean manufacturing industry is the highest, followed by the heavy pollution industry, and the efficiency of the medium pollution industry is the lowest.
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