Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management, and Innovation (JEMI) June 2024

					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management, and Innovation (JEMI) June 2024

JEMI is an interdisciplinary research journal that focuses on business management research and exclusively conjoins diversified subjects of management, entrepreneurship, and innovation. In the realm of Entrepreneurship, the journal encompasses diverse areas including Venture Capital & Finance, Enterprise Management, Leadership, Motivation, Training, and the policies and processes related to the creation, development, and growth of startups and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. The domain of management subject, the journal’s scope includes Strategic and Knowledge Management, Corporate Governance, Operations & Information Management, Supply Chain & Logistics, and Organizational Ethics, Behavior & Development. The innovation area of JEMI comprises technology, creativity, open innovation, digitization, Industrial Internet of things (IIoT), value creation, and research on evolving socio-economic environments.

Published: 25-07-2024


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