Investigating Financial Resource Sufficiency for Entrepreneurial Growth: A Case of SMEs in Pakistan
Financial Resources, SMEs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Ventures, Challenges, StrategiesAbstract
This research paper delves into the critical nexus between entrepreneurship and finance, focusing on entrepreneurs' challenges and strategies in accessing and utilizing financial resources to increase growth. The study highlights the fundamental role of finance in enabling small entrepreneurial ventures to thrive and contribute to economic development. It then proceeds to identify key challenges, including access to capital, financial literacy gaps, and regulatory barriers that hinder entrepreneurial finance. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies, the paper explores the various strategies entrepreneurs employ to overcome these challenges, including traditional financing methods, alternative funding sources such as crowdfunding, venture capital, and financial management techniques. Additionally, the research discusses the evolving landscape of fintech solutions and their impact on facilitating access to finance for entrepreneurs. Moreover, it examines the role of government policies and institutional support in fostering an enabling environment for entrepreneurial finance. The results of this study present valuable recommendations for policymakers, financial institutions, and entrepreneurs seeking to understand the complex landscape of entrepreneurial finance and focus on strategies to exploit the full potential of innovative ventures.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Shaikh, Imamuddin Khoso, Muhammad Ovais Jummani (Author)

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