Six Sigma Practices on The Perceived Betterment of Organization Performance
Waste Management, Six-Sigma, Organization Performance, Lean ManagementAbstract
Six Sigma has become a leading business improvement methodology which has been successfully applied in a wide range of businesses. In so doing, companies focus on systematically creating value and reducing and removing waste (the lean element of the approach) whilst employing Six Sigma to focus on and to eradicate the Critical to Quality (CTQ) issues that affect an organization. The research strategy of this paper is survey method and primary data was gathered from supply chain and quality enhancement departments of selected Six Sigma companies n Karachi, Pakistan through structured questionnaires. This paper indicates that the performance of the company becomes highly reliable, reduced cost, eliminate wastages, and improve quality by the adaption of Six-Sigma practices. The study also reported that the continuous improvement is also playing a mediating role when we consider Company’s performance as dependent variable and cost reduction, Quality betterment and eliminate wastages as independent variables.
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