Moderating Impact of Drive for Environmental Responsibility Between Cognition, Affection, and Conation and Green Products Purchase Decisions
Cognition, Affection, Conation, Cause-Related Marketing (CRM), Drive for Environmental Responsibility (DFER), Green Products Purchase Decision (GPPD)Abstract
Sustainable consumption is important to current environmental issues. This study examines how factors like cause-related marketing and brand attitude influence the decision to purchase green products. Moreover, how consumption of green products can be increased, with a focus on the role of individual environmental responsibility, in this research, brand attitude is studied as a multidimensional construct, including brand cognition, affection, and conation. These aspects of brand attitude have a positive and mediating impact on Green Product Purchase Decisions (GPPDs). The data was collected from the general population of Pakistan using a purposive sampling technique. Data was collected from 457 respondents through structured and self-administered questionnaires. The results of this study show that cause-related marketing positively influences consumers' decisions to purchase green products. Additionally, brand cognition, affection, and conation i.e. (thoughts, emotions, and intentions related to the brand) play a role in mediating this influence on green product purchase decisions.
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