Organization Development and Performance: The Impact of Employee Benefit Programs on Employee Work Behavior
Organization Development, Employee Work Behavior, Employee Benefit Programs, Employee Commitment, Employee Old-Age Benefit InstituteAbstract
Employee Work Behaviour (EWB) is a critical aspect of organizational culture that has a substantial impact on productivity and performance. Employees are expected to behave positively at work in order to build and maintain a healthy corporate culture. Employee benefit programs are implemented by companies to increase employee commitment and performance. Employee Commitment (EC) is another important cultural attribute of a high-performing workplace. The impact of the Employee Old-Age Benefit Institute (EOBI) (Old Age Pension) on EWB was investigated, as well as the involvement of EC as a mediating factor. A quantitative research approach was used to assess the impact of EOBI (Old-Age Pension) on EWB. All EOBI-registered business units in Lahore, Pakistan, make up the population. The list of business units was provided by the EOBI office in Lahore, Pakistan. We chose a sample of 145 units from a sampling frame of five hundred using a basic random sampling approach. The study's findings demonstrate a positive and substantial relationship between EOBI (Old Age Pension) and EWB, as well as a positive and significant relationship between EC and EWB. The EC partially mediates the relationship between EOBI (Old Age Pension) and EWB. employee benefit programmes are suggested as a way to improve job performance and dedication, according to the study's findings.
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