Impact of Organizational Value System, Perceived Organizational Support, and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment
Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Organizational ValueAbstract
This paper aims to investigate the effects of perceived organizational support, organizational values system, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment. The study was conducted in the educational sector of Pakistan. Building on the previous literature, the authors propose a model which links an organization's internal procedures/practices, employees' perceptions, views, and his/her level of contentment with his/her job, loyalty and emotions. Through the assumed connections between these aspects, the relationship among them was inspected and analyzed in the given study. To test the proposed model, the data was collected online from 210 faculty members and teachers from different universities in Pakistan. It was accomplished through convenient sampling. Moreover, a cross-sectional method was adopted for data gathering. As per the author's assumptions, the results generated through regression analysis provide shreds of evidence that there exists a significant positive relationship between organizational commitment, job satisfaction, organizational values, and perceived organizational support. The overall study displays the importance of providing support, improving job satisfaction, and clearly defining organizational values to the employees to enhance their organizational commitment. The study validates the significance of organizational practices over employees' attachment towards the organization and deepens the understanding of the determinants of organizational commitment. Furthermore, suggestions about theoretical and managerial practices of the given study have been discussed in the end.
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