Impact of Store Environment, Product Display and Promotional Activities on Impulsive Buying Behavior: Moderating the Role of Income
Store Environment, Product Display, Promotional Activity, Impulsive Buying Behaviour, IncomeAbstract
This study is based on applied research and investigates the effect of some vital retail marketing variables such as store environment, product display & promotional activities on consumers impulsive buying behaviour. Within this relationship, the moderating role of income is also tested. Although previously there are several studies associated with the topic, the subject matter has remained a persistent topic of interest to marketers and firms alike. To gather the data, a survey technique was employed, and the data was collected through secondary authentic sources from consumers visiting selected prominent retail shops from the study area. Thus, the ever-evolving consumers’ demand and the nature of the subject it is legitimate to consider the study as one of the pervasive in nature as the study is potent in the increase of knowledge in the area of business as well as in academia. Moreover, as with all secondary data studies, this study is also supplemented with some limitations as the data collected from developing countries like Pakistan is not coherent with the other economies although the value of the paper has not been overshadowed and this can be used for applicative reasoning. Similarly, the sample size for the study is 200 respondents and AMOS, SEM, CFA, SPSS & SMART PLS softwares are used for data analysis. The major reason for the application of the software is the theory-building approach associated with the study. Relatedly, the paper is supported by descriptive as well as inferential analysis in order to make the findings of the study potent and reliable. The use of the software indicated that there is a relationship between the store environment, product display & promotional activity. Similarly, income plays a strong moderating role in the relationship under study.
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