Factors Affecting Career Preference of Undergraduate Students


  • Salman Khatri Institute of Business Management Author
  • Usman Waraich Institute of Business Management Author




Small & Medium Sized Enterprises, Social Media Marketing, Transactional Marketing Mechanisms


The objective of this research is to identify the preference factors of undergraduate students in their career decisions. The method used in this research is mixed i.e., quantitative and qualitative. The data was collected through online surveys from the Institute of Business Management Karachi. This research gives the explanation about the career preferences that students make during their studies. This research gives an explanation of how individuals are handling their work-life, how they have selected their careers and what challenges they face overall in their career life. In addition, the paper attempts to extract a detailed view of job vs business. The results demonstrated that more than half of the students have not gone through mentoring in early stage which causes issues in the future for them. Moreover, the experiential part of the study tries to provide awareness to our government and the parents so that this mistake would not be repeated and students should be allowed to excel in their own choice. On the other hand, this report guides us about the path of doing things right and making the world do things in the right way as there are some major concerns to be highlighted at that time otherwise it has no importance afterwards like student needs proper time and attention of their parents and guardians at the time of choosing careers, once its locked it has no way back.


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How to Cite

Factors Affecting Career Preference of Undergraduate Students (S. Khatri & U. Waraich , Trans.). (2019). Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management, and Innovation, 1(1), 14-36. https://doi.org/10.52633/jemi.v1i1.40
