Trickle Down Effect of Toxic Leadership Pandemic on Employee Counterproductive Work Behavior: In Retrospect to SDGs, Laws, Regulations, and ILO Provisions
Leadership, Toxic Leadership Pandemic, Perceived Organizational Support, Counterproductive Work Behavior, Organizational Citizenship BehaviorAbstract
The global prevalence of toxic leadership has transcended to pandemic levels, instigating a spectrum of dysfunctional organizational fiascos, including counterproductive work behavior, all in violation of laws, regulations, ILO provisions, and SDGs. The toxic leadership pandemic has violated at least six SDGs, affecting over 10% of employees worldwide. The prevalent toxic pandemic transcends suffering from an increase in health expenditure as a consequence of bullying and harassment while translating into higher employee burnout and turnover rates. With a focus on the trickle-down effect, this study highlights the extent of the pandemic, with the constructive aim of examining how toxic leadership can have an exponential impact on employees' behavior at the workplace. The current study found that the literature supports the notion that perceived organizational support mediates the link between toxic leadership and employees' counterproductive work behavior. This pragmatic study proposes a conceptual model that will be useful for leaders, legislators, regulators, and policymakers in diverse organizations/sectors as they develop strategies to counter toxic leadership and encourage positive workplace behavior. This study opens new avenues for the body of knowledge on toxic leadership and how it affects behavior at work in higher education institutions.
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