How Perception of Artificial Intelligence Shapes Green HRM to Improve Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability, Green Human Resource Management, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
Based on the social cognition theory, this research examines the effect of artificial intelligence (AI) on the environmental sustainability of commercial banks. “AI” plays a crucial role in enabling bank management to effectively assess environmental sustainability. Through the lens of green HRM, the study explored the advantageous aspects of AI in the workplace. Data was collected from 200 employees working in commercial banks in Sindh, Pakistan. Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis revealed a direct positive relationship between AI and environmental sustainability. The results also confirmed the positive impact of Green HRM on environmental sustainability and supported its mediating relationship between AI and environmental sustainability. The study highlights the importance of integrating advanced AI technologies with green human resource management practices to promote sustainability. These findings suggest that leveraging AI can significantly enhance the environmental performance of commercial banks, offering valuable insights for policymakers and bank managers aiming to implement sustainable practices.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Syed Muneer Ahmed Shah, Arooj Fatima, Shahzadi Khand, Shumaila Phulpoto, Nazar Hussain (Author)

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