Impact of Value Creation on Revisit Intention of Patients in E-Health Services: A Moderating Effect of Demographics
e-Health Services, Value Creation, Healthcare Strategy, Healthcare Management, Telemedicine, Healthcare OrganizationAbstract
E-health services have proven globally to be a vital means to the delivery of healthcare services in a cost-effective way, and without compromising the health of the care providers and patients, who are exposed to higher risk of infections in physical healthcare settings. It is, therefore, imperative to investigate perceived value creation in e-health services and its impact on the revisit intention of patients, with the moderating role of the demographic profile of patients. A study was conducted employing a quantitative, cross-sectional method using the structural equation modeling technique with the help of Smart PLS4 software. A sample of 260 e-health users was taken from both online and telephonic surveys, using purposive sampling. The findings revealed a significant impact of healthcare outcome value on the revisit intention of patients. However, the impact of process value on the revisit intention, as well as the moderation effect of selected demographics were proved insignificant, which is a major contradiction of earlier studies. This contradiction paves the way for future research, exploring different value-creation conceptualizations and models.
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