Battling Gender Leadership Link: The Relationship Between Leadership Styles, and Performance Predictors in the Context of Higher Education Sector
Leadership Style, Outcomes of Leadership Style, Transformational leadership, Transactional Leadership, Laissez-faire LeadershipAbstract
This quantitative research is designed to explore the relationship between the outcome of leadership and different leadership styles, namely transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire, in the university context. The research also analyzes the gender role as a moderating variable in this theoretical framework. The need for effective leadership in universities is crucial, as it can impact the education quality and the overall success of students and the institution. Therefore, this study contributes to understanding the importance of effective leadership in the university context and highlights the need for further research in this area. Data was gathered from a sample of 271 university teachers and students using a non-probability sampling technique, and the validity and reliability of the data were tested using PLS Smart software. The results indicated that three out of four hypotheses were supported, suggesting that different leadership styles significantly impact the outcome of leadership. Specifically, transformational leadership had the most significant effect on the outcome of leadership, followed by transactional and laissez-faire leadership. However, the moderating role of gender was not supported, indicating that gender does not have a significant impact on the relationship between leadership styles and the outcome of leadership. This finding is somewhat unexpected, as previous research has shown that gender can influence leadership style and effectiveness. The authors suggest that this may be due to the sample being drawn from the university context, where gender diversity and inclusivity may already be emphasized and valued. Overall, this study provides valuable insight into the importance of effective leadership in the university context and suggests that transformational leadership may be the most effective style for leaders in this setting.
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