Impact of HRM Practices on Teachers’ Job Performance in Private Schools of Karachi
Compansation, Performance Evaluation, Training and Development, Employee PerformanceAbstract
Organizations must focus on their human resource as it is essential for organizational productivity. It is the primary responsibility of human resources management to employ efficient staff, so as to provide a productive workforce to the organizations. This study is applied in Karachi to analyze the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on the job performance of schoolteachers. Although there are several studies associated with this topic because of the few HRM practices, this paper is unique because it involves the major HRM practices and relates these with educational institutes of the megacity. Data has been collected through questionnaires from teachers of primary and secondary levels which highlighted the insufficiency of HRM practices in an educational institute of Karachi, therefore, it is legitimate to consider this study as pervasive.
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