Impact of Career Growth, Compensation, and Recognition on Teachers’ Retention: Mediated by Knowledge Sharing Work Environment in the Case of Private Sector Universities of Pakistan
Career Growth, Compensation, Recognition of Efforts, Teachers’ Retention, Knowledge Sharing Work EnvironmentAbstract
This study investigates the impact of career growth, compensation, and recognition of efforts on teachers’ retention in the private sector universities of Pakistan. The study also examined the mediating role of knowledge-sharing work environment in the relationship between the variables of the study. Using random sampling, the data was collected from 210 faculty members of the different private sectors, HEC-recognized universities of Pakistan through a self-explanatory online questionnaire. The findings of this study suggest that career growth, compensation, and recognition efforts positively impact teachers’ retention in the private sector universities of Pakistan. The knowledge sharing work environment mediates the positive impact. The study provides empirical evidence to support the hypothesis that the knowledge sharing work environment is an important factor in reducing the impact of the turnover of talented teachers at educational institutions. This study has several implications for policy and practice. The findings suggest that universities should provide teachers with opportunities well-focused on enhanced career growth and development. Universities need to compensate teachers fairly for their contributions to the institution. In contrast, recognition efforts should be geared towards enhancing teacher morale and motivation. Additionally, university managers and administrators should ensure that knowledge sharing is a key part of the work environment in order to retain talent. It is essential for universities to build a strong institutional culture that supports teacher retention.
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